A Drummer's Testament

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Chapter III-21:  How a Husband and Wife Love One Another

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What a husband does for his wife; what a wife does for her husband

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Supplementary material

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Contents outline and links by paragraph


Dagbamba husbands' main work is providing food

Buying cloth for the wife

Other good works by the husband

Good works Muslim husbands do


The good works of a wife who loves her husband


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Proverbs and Sayings

If what your heart wants is what you do for her, it shows that the woman is a slave in your house.

The cloth that some women will not wear, the women who will wear it are there.

She has taken wet sand and put it on dry sand.

If you beat a dog, you should wait for its owner.

When people abuse someone because of someone, it is love that has brought it.

As for the expenses of a Dagbamba funeral, there is now fear inside it.

Performing the funeral comes from the bone of your wife.

If your wife loves you, she will like your people and your friends, and they will witness that.

If your wife doesn't love you, every day you are a stranger to her.

How a woman loves her husband, it looks like how a man loves his wife.  Everyday it is good works they will do for one another, and they will be sitting down coolly; and if you look at them you will see that their way of living is good.

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